People resort to different methods for weight loss like going to gym, go on a diet, do exercise and take pills. Many such methods are effective only in short term as you start gaining weight when you get off the programme. Programmes should be such that the results are maintained in the long run. Before you begin any home treatment, you should confirm that the weight gain is not due to any other condition. Like if the weight gain is sudden and in short span, or if there is a swelling or water retention on body, then you will have to consult a doctor. If not the given below tips would help you to lose weight at home.
1. Don’t starve yourself, skip meals and go on a restricted diet.
2. Start your day with a glass of warm water to which half a lime and a tablespoon of honey has been added.
3. Take breakfast daily as this would prevent you from eating through out the day.
4. Take small meals over the rest of the day when you feel hungry.
5. Avoid high fat foods and carbohydrates like cakes, pastries, sweets, colas and other fizzy drinks.
6. Drink water to quench your thirst as this will cut down your calorie intake and keep you hydrated.
7. In addition do exercises which will suit you like walking, jogging, bicycling. Brisk walking or jogging for 40 minutes will help you in keeping your weight off be it a few grams. Don’t worry if you cannot do this everyday as these exercises help you in loosing weight on daily basis.
Remember that a healthy diet of fruit and raw vegetables will will help you in weight loss. Adopt exercises which would suit your body and that you will adhere to it. These exercises should be such that you would enjoy doing it. Never indulge in programmes which guarantees rapid weight loss.
Related links :
The Spark: The 28-Day Breakthrough Plan for Losing Weight, Getting Fit, and Transforming Your Life
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