Wednesday, March 23, 2011


For healthy functioning of our body, skin, hair fats are required. Generally fats maintain body temperature and acts as banks having stored energy in our body. They have to be maintained at a certain level but if it is more than needed then one is considered as obese. In such case the fats get deposited on tummy or belly first of all and hence the requirement of losing belly fat. This fat is deep inside the body skin and there are every chances of causing diseases like diabetes, heart diseases. In short belly fat makes us emotionally weak visually as well as functionally.

Lots of efforts are to be put for losing belly fat and one should have the right approach for it. Many people try different methods some of which give success but some doesn’t.  Given below are some tips which are beneficial for losing belly fat:
1. Start doing exercises like jogging/running in the morning for 30 minutes before breakfast. This increases metabolism, burn calories and keeps us active throughout the day.
2. Drink low fat dairy foods like skim milk or yoghurt as they release fat from the fat cells in the abdominal area which in turn lowers the amount of fat that is absorbed.
3. Foods which cleanse your system are also best for losing belly fat.Hence fibrous foods intake not only ensures belly fat lose but also make sure that your digestive tract and relative organs are functioning well to the fullest capacity. Some of the best fibrous fruits are grapes, bananas, raspberries, strawberries and apricots while the best vegetables are cabbage, carrots, cauliflower, cucumber and lettuce.
4. An eight hour sleep is required if you want to lose weight and belly fat. Insufficient sleep lowers the amount of leptin, a hormone which speeds the metabolic rate and suppresses the appetite.
5. Take a lot of water throughout the day especially with ice. Water not only helps in burning calories and fat but also cleanses our system. It is found that ice when added to water helps more than what it be with plain water.
6. Keep away from caffeine and alcohol as they dehydrate the system and hampers the body’s ability to burn calories. Opt for water as said above or green tea as they boost the rate of metabolism.

Finally you will come across a lot of sites promoting a type of belt which would help in losing belly fat. Do remember that the results of such products are temporary and as such are not advisable. Also never go for strict diets like grapefruit or soup diet as you would once again get the fat back once you come back to normal food. The best way to lose belly fat is to change the way you eat, do normal exercise and getting your rest. The correct idea is to eat balance and healthy diet and not to starve.

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Wednesday, March 16, 2011


Does junk food helps in reducing weight?

Now this is a question which sounds absurd. But if  implemented properly it surely helps in weight loss. Now one must be wondering how this is possible as the junk food make you fat.

Before letting you know how this helps, let me bring some points to your notice. When one is following the weight loss programs, the calories are dropped drastically and exercising habits are increased quickly. A time will come when you will hit a wall and our mindset would try to oppose the effects and slowdown the weight loss process. This is nothing but your body’s way of survival. For example if you eat only fruits and vegetables as per your diet plan all day long for each week then your mind will convince the body to keep all the nutrients to sustain life. This it self means that you might have reached a plateau and your body will stop losing extra weight you still have.

Losing calories means body’s response in decreasing metabolism. What happen is that when the body loses weight it loses calories and this process happens as you lose more weight. A time comes when you sacrifice muscles as the calories are low. Now this is what is not required as muscle fuels the metabolism and for this it needs calories to sustain. This is the wall which you have hit which prevents or slows downs the weight loss process.

Now how to avoid this situation? Here is what comes to your help. Yes the junk food. What one should do is to eat junk food for a day preferably the weekend. Eat to your full and don’t worry about the carbs and fats combined with a high amount of calories. Some perfect foods are ice creams, pizza and cheese burgers. Now what you have to do is to take the next day off from eating. Don’t eat for the full day as this will help your digestive systems. What has happened is that you have increased the rate of metabolism by this act and is as high as it was when you started your weight loss process. Thus you have eliminated the wall and the process of weight which has slowed down has started again.

Try this for once a week and see for the results.


Friday, March 11, 2011

OBESITY- Managing at home

Weight gain is a problem which in medical term is called as Obesity. Obesity is nothing but a weight which is more than 20% above what is considered as normal as per body mass index, which is calculated from an individual’s age, height and weight. Normally obesity results from excessive fat storage in the body. Obesity may lead to diseases like2 diabetes, hypertension and heart problems.

Balance healthy diet combined with regular exercises will mange to burn off the extra fat and thereby controlling the obesity.

Simple tips to try at home for managing obesity;

1. Set a goal to reduce half to one kg per week.
2. Prepare meals at home which have less fat.
3. If eating outside, avoid fried foods, ice creams puddings etc and select fruits.
4. Have five to six small meals instead of two bigger ones.
5. Skip some meals if you have to eat at social outings.
6. Do exercises regularly.
7. Select exercises which are suitable to your body and your work schedule.
8. Don’t push your body too fast as there is always a chance of getting significant damage.

Home remedies:
1. Drink lukewarm water mixed with the juice of half a lime and one teaspoon of fresh honey at regular intervals.
2. Trifala, an herbal combination of amalaki, bibbitaki, and haritaki is good for losing weight.
3. Eat cabbage salad as the cabbage has a chemical called tartaric acid which prevents conversion of sugar and other carbohydrates into fats.
4. Taking ripe tomatoes instead of breakfast in the morning for a couple of moths helps in reduction of weight.

Loosing weight is nothing but cutting down calories but remember that calories are needed for building energy in the human body; hence it is not advisable to completely avoid them. You have to set such a diet which has calories that your body requires.

Related posts:
1.Fat burning foods
2.Yoga poses for weight loss.
3.Weight loss - home remedies.